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Marietta-Washington County Underground Railroad Trail

The Underground Railroad was a significant chapter in American history, symbolizing the fight for freedom and justice during a time of profound injustice. Marietta, Ohio, nestled along the banks of the Ohio River, played a crucial role in this network of secret routes and safe houses that helped enslaved individuals escape to freedom in the North. As the earliest organized settlements in the Northwest Territory, Marietta’s residents were deeply committed to the principles of liberty and equality, making it a vital hub for the Underground Railroad in Washington County.

The settlers of Marietta, many of whom were ardent abolitionists, risked their lives and livelihoods to assist those seeking freedom. Their homes, churches, and businesses became sanctuaries where freedom seekers could find refuge on their perilous journey. The dense forests, winding rivers, and rugged terrain of Washington County provided natural cover for those escaping slavery, while the courageous citizens of Marietta provided the guidance and support necessary to navigate this treacherous path.

To explore the history and significance of the Underground Railroad in Marietta and Washington County, we invite you to download a copy of the Marietta-Washington County Underground Railroad Trail. This trail will lead you through the sites and stories that define this remarkable legacy of courage and compassion. To download your copy, click here.