We invite you to join us for our Holiday Gala & Annual Tree, Wreath, and Gift Auction to benefit the Hippodrome/Colony Historical Theatre Association. Decorated trees and wreaths will be on display Monday, November 17 through Saturday, December 1 at Peoples Bank Theatre and The Stage Door. Submit your registration to Miranda Duty, Theatre Manager, by November 9. Trees must be delivered to Peoples Bank Theatre on November 18.Each person who contributes a tree, wreath, OR auction item will receive two (2) complimentary tickets to the gala and auction. This event helps support the HCHTA and its mission to preserve our historic theatre and bring great art and entertainment to our community.
Decorating Guidelines:
• Trees should be no larger than 8’ in height.
• Decorated items should be appropriate for public display
• Please attach all decorations safely and securely
• Items will be moved several times throughout the process. Please make sure any and all decorations
are installed to travel.
• Items should be designed to travel through a 36”w x 80”h opening
• NO live trees or wreaths.
• Passiflora Studio is available for consultations and decorating services (740-350-4905).
Tickets on sale starting October 15th at peoplesbanktheatre.com. Tickets are $20/ person.
Peoples Bank Theatre’s Annual Christmas Auction