Celebrate “Christmas at Pemberley” at the Major/Riviera. This story is a sequel to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice set two years after the novel ends, MISS BENNET continues the story, only this time with bookish middle-sister Mary as its unlikely heroine. Mary is growing tired of her role as dutiful middle sister in the face of her siblings’ romantic escapades. When the family gathers for Christmas at Pemberley, an unexpected guest sparks Mary’s hopes for independence, an intellectual match, and possibly even love.
This Christmas Dinner Theatre presentation will be held December 6, 14 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm and December 15 from 1pm to 3pm. Reservations are required. Dinner will served to begin your evening with the show to follow.
$49 for Adults, $47 for Seniors, $39 for Children 3-12
Call 740-373-7862 or online at www.valleygemsternwheeler.com