The Great Community Paper Airplane Event is taking flight Sunday, February 26, starting with a hands-on how-to-make-a-paper-airplane workshop at 12:30 pm in the First Unitarian Universal Society of Marietta, 232 Third St. The 40-year community event is open to everyone interested in learning how to fly paper airplanes from the historic church’s choir loft.
There are three opportunities to soar: distance, accuracy, and time aloft. In past years participants have ranged in age from 2 to 90 years young. Only planes made of paper may be used. They can be made at home in advance or in the church fellowship hall with volunteer leaders assisting. Materials will be provided.
Volunteers and financial donations are encouraged. Participants are invited to share one item of non-perishable food for distribution to area food pantries. To volunteer or donate, please contact Roger G. Kalter at 740-525-1833 or [email protected]